Air Date : Thu, 03 Sep 2020
Episode Length : 01:12:12
Episode Description
We’re nearing the end of the largest LSAT-Flex administration thus far, and Jon and Dave are here with all the details! In this episode they break down the August LSAT, examining its three source tests and their usage throughout the week, highlighting the standout elements that appeared each day, and finally providing a section-by-section scale matrix to help you determine the curve for your particular exam.
Episode Timestamps
- 00:00 – Intro. “The Letter” by Joe Cocker leads us into a listener-submitted “Mailbag” episode.
- 10:30 – This week in the LSAT world. The August LSAT is coming up in a few days! Check out podcast episodes 7 & 9 for test week guidance, plus some updates on LSAT Writing and August score release plans. Additional reading: Why Does It Take So Long For LSAT-Flex Scores To Come Out?
- 19:43 – Student mailbag intro. Where to submit your questions, what we look for when choosing which questions are discussed, etc. Note: please use the LSAT Forum for any individual practice LSAT questions.
- LSAT Questions
- 22:45 – “I’ve been hearing that the LSAT flex tests have been past tests from around 2011-2014. If that’s the case, does that mean the October test is more likely to be similar to PTs from that time or the most recent ones?”
- 30:20 – “Will there be a new Crystal Ball for August?” (spoiler: no. but this info still applies for August!)
- 33:35 – “If I’m testing now during the Flex era, but applying in a later cycle, will schools treat applicants differently (i.e. vs those possibly taking regular tests in 2021+)?”
- 35:03 – “If I have access to regular full practice LSATs and Flex versions, should I still take full tests even though my official test will be a Flex test? If so, when should I take the Flex versions? Before moving onto the full tests? Or take the full tests first and switch to Flex tests closer to my upcoming October LSAT date?”
- 38:29 – “What is your advice for someone getting something different wrong on each practice test? How do I deal with these inconsistencies?”
- 47:33 – “Does the PowerScore style of studying does contain more memorization and theory compared to other test prep companies?”
- 57:13 – “I’m currently dealing with a delay in being approved for LSAT accommodations, what is going on and should I be worried that I won’t be approved? What can I expect when they do finally get back to me?”
- Admissions Questions
- 1:01:43 – “I am taking the November LSAT for the first time and I am wanting to apply for Fall 2021. If I take the November test, is there time in the application cycle for a second attempt if I do not perform well the first time?”
- 1:07:42 – “How should I approach studying for the LSAT and applying to law school if I’m older than the ‘traditional’ applicant?” Additional Reading: Do Non-Traditional Law School Applicants Have an Admissions Advantage? / Non-Traditional Law School Applicants: Old Folks Rule!
- 1:17:07 – “How much of an impact on my application chances will a connection to the school have? i.e. prior undergrad student, school employee, family alumni, etc.”
- 1:24:01 – Outro.
Format: MP3
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