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"Simply, the best book on Reading Comprehension. After going through this book I didn't only see a rise in my LSAT score, but my general reading comprehension improved markedly."

- By Saif Ullah Khan

"Great book, the strategies promoted in this book worked much better for me than strategies promoted by other books. If you are looking to be a high scorer on the LSAT I highly recommend this book. After implementing these strategies my RC score improved from a -7 to a -3 in about two weeks. That was the difference between a 168 and a 171 for me."

- By Will

"This book has helped out my score on the reading comprehension sections quite a bit! On my first (cold test), I was writing 13-14 correct per section, after about two months of using this book (and taking practice tests), I'm consistently writing 20-22 correct per section. This book helped me figure out what the LSAT looks for, as well as tips to handling the different types of questions."

- By C. McIntyreon
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